Community members from Scarborough and Gorham share why they support Stacy for Senate.
“Stacy is aware of the challenges facing small businesses throughout Maine and will be a strong advocate in Augusta for the citizens of Scarborough, Gorham and Buxton. We need someone in Augusta who will be a voice for our community, someone who listens and understands the issues in our district and that person is Stacy.”
— Heather & Neil Jamieson, Scarborough
"Stacy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise that the state will need to deal with the aftermath of a pandemic. Her unique combination of vision and pragmatism make her particularly well-suited for legislative work."
— Jennifer Jones, Falmouth
"I’ve been a resident of Scarborough for the past 24 years and I’m writing to support Stacy Brenner for State Senate. As State Senator, Stacy will work hard to support people from all walks of life and will bring passion, knowledge, and strength to the Maine Legislature."
— Abi Ordway, Scarborough
"I have been struck by Stacy’s warmth, thoughtfulness and commitment to our community. As both a small business person (Stacy and her husband operate Broadturn Farm) and health care professional (Stacy also is a nurse/midwife), she is particularly well suited to deal with the challenges ahead as we move forward from this crisis and use the opportunity to build a brighter, more-inclusive future."
— Melissa Murphy, Scarborough
"And as a board member for the Maine Farmland Trust and the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, Stacy has advocated for farmland conservation and helped other farmers wishing to grow businesses in Maine."
— Kelsey Kaufman, Gorham
"In a time where many have become cynical about politicians, Stacy is hum- ble and sincere, as well as passionate and articulate in presenting her beliefs. She has the energy, commitment, and collaborative personality that are essential for knowing how to listen to people. She practices these listening skills with her patients, as well as her business clients, and then works to meet their needs."
— Linda Webb, Gorham
"Her ideas are clearly informed by her diverse professional background as an organic farmer, owner of the farm, as a mother and as a nurse at Mercy’s Birthing Center."
— Ellen H. DeCotiis, Buxton
"As a state senator, Stacy’s experience, unwavering commitment to protect the environment, and recognition of the value of green energy jobs will serve us well in the Senate. She will be a strong voice for the protection of Maine’s environment."
— Bruce Webb, Gorham
"She knows the need for a stronger social safety net for Maine families, especially around health care and food insecurity. She has the passion and knowledge and is willing to do the hard work to find the solutions to get the job done for us in Augusta."
— John Tiedje, Gorham
"As a mother of school-age children heading into a year of unique challenges, I know that Stacy is exactly the type of person we need in Augusta: she is genuine, experienced in managing complex decisions, dedicated to protecting the interests of the community and of the environment."
— Anca Gooje, Scarborough
Stacy Brenner is a driven small business owner, mother, organic farmer, compassionate nurse, and true leader. All these attributes make her a perfect fit in our Maine State Senate, and we should feel comforted knowing she has the experience to guide us all in a positive direction.
— Mitzi Mcintosh, Gorham
"Stacy has unequaled integrity as well as great compassion for all around her. An example of this was displayed when the corona virus hit this area. Stacy went back to work at Mercy hospital to help support the community. In these difficult times we need someone with Stacy’s vision in Augusta."
— Tom DiPasqua, Scarborough
"Democrat Stacy Brenner is the whole package. We met more than a decade ago as we tried to solve a tricky fundraising problem for our children’s school. It was there that I first witnessed the compassionate and fiercely creative energy with which Stacy is able to tackle complicated problems."
— Masey Kaplan, Falmouth
"I have known Stacy Brenner and her family for almost 15 years, both personally and professionally as a catering chef. Stacy is a fierce advocate and a legitimate Renaissance woman. She will fight for women’s reproductive health and access to safe and legal abortions. Her various roles as a nurse, farmer, community leader and business owner give her an advantage over career politicians who offer empty promises. We are in a crucial moment in history, and I believe Stacy’s unwavering stance on this issue will protect a woman’s right to choose."
— Wendy Cassetta
"I know from talking with her that she supports renewable energy and climate change adaptation in all the things she does."
— Hon. Jim Boyle, Gorham
(State Senator, 2012-2014)
"The combination of her health care work and her agricultural work I think are really important in serving the state of Maine."
— Hon. Mo Terry, Gorham (State Representative)
"Stacy understands the challenges involved in running a business, and since she knows that Maine’s small farms can be a critical piece of a thriving economy, creating jobs and combating hunger, her deep knowledge of agriculture positions her well to support the growth of small farms in Maine."
— Mary Ann Larson, Portland
"Given Stacy’s experience in caring for patients, cultivating the land, and growing our local economy, I’m confident she has the knowledge and skills to tackle climate change, and more. We need a pragmatic, visionary, and collaborative leader like Stacy to represent our community."
— Louise Secordel, Scarborough
"Stacy Brenner has a heart big enough to hold her staunchest supporters alongside her harshest critics, the resilience and adaptability inherent in all Maine farmers and small business owners, and the patience to nurture the smallest hopeful seeds – both literal and conceptual – into beautiful, bountiful harvests."
— Erin Rowan, Scarborough
"I value Stacy’s kindness, compassion, and ability to listen. I also appreciate Stacy’s creative approach to running Broadturn Farm, her leadership with the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Organization and Maine Farmland Trust, and her ability to roll up her sleeves and work hard. Stacy lives her values, supporting her employees and using her voice and business to lift up others in our state and community."
— Emilia Dahlin, Gorham
"When I spoke with Stacy I was also struck by her dedication to public health and, especially in this risky time for front line workers, her willingness to go back to work in the nursing field. One of our greatest challenges right now is accessing affordable health care, especially with the job losses associated with this pandemic. More than ever we need people like Stacy in Augusta who know how important this is for everyone."
— Dave Durrell, Hollis
"Stacy Brenner is the best kind of leader: hardworking, compassionate, and collaborative. I’m “all in” for Stacy Brenner for Maine Senate"